Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Harris v Pipkin II

Out here in the provinces of Pennsylvania there is little to do. So I blog. On New Year's Eve I sent this letter to E.J. Pipkin via his campaign e-mail address.

Dear Sen. Pipkin,
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and join with you to celebrate the beginning of a new year. But I need to know one thing and I think you are the only one who can provide a satisfactory answer: Why have you decided to enter the race against Andy Harris?
While I applaud your stated goal of ending the Republican nightmare incarnated as Wayne Gilchrest, how, exactly, do you suppose to accomplish this stated goal by splitting the ticket against a powerful incumbent? I don't believe this has been adequately addressed and, if you care to, I will post your response on my blog.

You see, your stated goals and your actions are at odds. If you can't see this, then I, and many others, will be most happy to explain it to you. Had you entered the race last Spring, I would be more inclined to support your candidacy. I was willing to support anyone who could unseat Mr. Gilchrest. I would have thought that you and other right-thinking Republicans would have supported Harris when he announced.

I need to know what exactly makes you think that your candidacy will achieve the main goal of throwing the bum out? The way I see it your candidacy virtually guarantees Gilchrest another term. Please convince me that I am wrong.

Mike Netherland
Severna Park

1 comment:

Marie's Two Cents said...

Off Topic:

Ok FredHeads!

You probably dont know me from Adam but this is an important message if we want Fred to win!

We need to email Mary Matlin (Head of Fred's campaign) or Fred himself and tell them they need to change strategy. All I have been hearing from the nay-sayers is they think Thompson is to sick to be President which obviously he isnt. And it's not true but he does need to hold more press Conferences and be out there in the public and more in the news and etc..

If we really want Fred to win we have to show him more support than ever at this point while he is visiting his mom in Tennessee, a special place for me because my mom was born in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. I hope I spelled that correctly.

And all my mom's friends are voting for Fred.

But, he has to be out in the news more and have facetime wherever he can get it

All us FredHeads HAVE to unite to get Fred's message across. We have to be persistant.

At this point I think anything goes.

But us Thompson's Troops/FredHeads Have to unite for the common cause and good for America!!


Love, Marie