Friday, December 05, 2008

Young 'Republicans'

Closer to home, the Lost Generation has made an appearance on the GOP calendar. The Anne Arundel Young Republicans, led by the able Brian Griffiths of Pasadena, are having a "Holiday" Party this month.

After reading the calendar notices on County GOP Calendar I asked Mr. Griffiths why the YRs were having a "Holiday" party. He responded that 1. the YRs was a political, not a religious, organization (I kid you not), and 2. the group has both Christian AND Jewish members.

I responded that somebody forgot to tell the North County GOP Club that they are a political and not a religious organization. I haven't heard back from him yet. Does North County have any Jewish members? I ride the train everyday with a colleague at work who is a Jew. He married a christian and celebrates both Christmas and Hanukkah. If I moved to Israel, I would go to Hanukkah Parties all the time. At home, of course, I would set up my Christmas tree. Why should it be any different here?

Do the YR's, like Miss Hoover, 'get it' too? In defending our culture and the fabric of society, must we be wary of our own? The answer is YES. We apparently have not done enough to ensure that the next generation has a spine that does not wither against the incessant onslaught of political correctness.


Anonymous said...

It is a shame that Brian Griffiths and the YRs are reflecting a current trend in politics. We can only hope that when they become "old Republicans" they will realize that the good lord will forgive them for their transgressions and invite them to join him for a real Christmas celebration.

Bill Netherland
Severna Park, a good neighbor to Pasadena

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should call it " The Annual All White People Christmas Party".