Saturday, June 27, 2009

RWAAC - Guest Post

What’s the deal with being a Republican these hot, hazy days of summer? Scandal by a Governor who seemed to have a bright future, using inappropriate analogies to discredit our President and not walking in the Annapolis Fourth of July Parade because, because why?

I have known Joyce Thomann for the past ten years. Yes, the Joyce Thomann who recently made careless remarks comparing our President to someone we all truly abhor. I will be the first to admit that I would have never used that analogy. But I have also been the President of the Republican Women of Anne Arundel County (RWAAC) from 1999 to 2001, and understand the reality of wearing many hats and the huge responsibility that comes with each hat. That does not excuse Joyce’s analogy, her using the RWAAC website for its distribution or the RWAAC Board for not addressing it before it became a source of ridicule and scorn for this organization.

The reality is that the Republican Women of Anne Arundel County is a notable, activist organization promoting the ideals we hope will better our family, community, state and country. We volunteer in public schools with large populations of at-risk students. We donate school supplies to students who would otherwise start school without the necessary items they need. We donate to and maintain the house where victims of domestic abuse are cared for with their children and remain safe. We support our troops who serve our country and keep our freedoms secure and who serve in harms’ way. We do all this to make our community stronger and still hear from some who we have helped state, “I didn’t know Republicans would do that.”

Joyce, and now RWAAC, is the target of all the ills that are affecting our Party. We need to blame someone and her statements are giving us an easy bull’s eye.

Under Joyce’s leadership as President of RWAAC, a PAC was implemented to help more Republicans get elected to office. Joyce’s activism led RWAAC to initiate Thursday Action Briefings or TABs. All the Republican Clubs in our county as well as the Republican City and County Central Committees invited legislators to share their insights with community groups on Thursdays during the Legislative Session. Joyce mostly carried the water for TABs, but always gave everyone credit for their support. She is a generous, kind woman who let her emotions and fears carry her away. Are we all so perfect that we cannot forgive this misstep?

I am a proud Republican and an especially proud American and I will be marching in the Annapolis City Fourth of July Parade and I will be representing my club, the Republican Women of Anne Arundel County. If you don’t agree with Joyce’s statement, well I don’t either, but that is no reason to ignore the freedoms we have that allow us when we make a mistake, we can take responsibility for our error, pull ourselves back up and move forward on a better, brighter path.

God Bless America!

Marianne Pelura
Past President of the Republican Women of Anne Arundel County

1 comment:

David K. Kyle said...

When I first read this on Saturday I wasn't going to make a comment. However, after you once again bring it to my attention I will. This is not directed at the writer but a general observation of what I have seen go on in the last few days.
First, there was nothing inappropriate about what Joyce Thomann wrote. Even if she had said Hitler and Obama were two peas in a pod, those of us that think rationally would know it wasn't true and was just hyperbole. Of course those on the left that don't think rationally wouldn't make this distinction and become raving maniacs like, well like Hitler. If there was a politician that paints, and I said Hitler painted also, that would mean I thought the politician was a mad man
Then we have the Republican Chamberlain's who want to appease the lunatics that are screaming about the so-called comparison. They raise their hands in surrender and throw Mrs. Thomann to the thought Gestapo, then apologize for one of their own daring to defy the powers that be. This is about the Democrats wanting to end all opposition, and the best way to do that is through intimidation. Make Republicans afraid of speaking their minds. If they are going to froth at the mouth over the comments of an old lady from a small club, just think what they would do to anyone else. These are terror tactics to make the opposition afraid to speak out for fear of the retribution that will come down on them.
Mrs. Thomann did nothing wrong but give her opinion, when we as citizens have to start apologizing for that you had better watch out. In order to succeed the Democrats need to stifle free speech and independent thought. To do this they vilify and demonize people that don't agree with their plans.
This is not a time to bow down under the pressure that Democrats and their propaganda machine in the press want to put on us. It is time to make a stand for what is right for what we believe. If you are afraid to speak up and voice an opinion you might as well raise the white flag and surrender because the enemy would have won through intimidation. We know all this is fake outrage because they did not say anything when direct comparisons were made between Bush and Hitler. We also know to many on the left that it was not hyperbole because they wanted him charged with war crimes.
All this boils down to one thing and that is, the Republican Party had better find its backbone or it will be in danger of becoming irrelevant.