Tuesday, April 08, 2008

To My Obscene Commenters

It seems I have attracted a few refugees from the legions of braindead HuffPo and MO-DORG blog commenters. You know the type: the anonymous readers whose lack of intelligence, they believe, is compensated for or masked by the use of certain words and phrases that allow thinking people to profile them. So if you resemble one or more of the characteristics below, you may want to reconsider spending the time trying to comment on my blog:

  1. Young (18 to 25) liberal with barely a high school education still living with his parents
  2. Mature liberal (26 to 35) with barely a high school education still living with his parents, who are liberals
  3. Women of any age who bore the children of one of the above (and will soon come to resemble the "parents" part of "living with his parents.")
  4. I don't believe anyone over the age of 40, regardless of education, considers obscene language appropriate outside of a bowling alley
I'm sure that another Bud Lite and a few more games of KENO will be a better way to spend your time.

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